Friday, October 14, 2011

A Crazy sort of week

I would love to have a household that runs smoothly all the time. You know the ones where the kids do what they are told all the time, the floor actually stays clean for more than 5 minutes and everyone is happy all the time…Oh that’s right! They don’t exist!

This week my house has been a little more crazy than normal. No reason in particular…just life I guess. Fitting in exercise has always been a challenge as it seems that something else has to suffer for me to have the time to do it. Sometimes I have to leave the dishes on the sink or leave (another) basket of washing unfolded. I was really finding it hard this week to choose to exercise when everything in my house seemed so unorganised so i will admit that Monday and Tuesday I didn’t exercise at all! Of course this left me feeling horrible! Wednesday I decided that I was going to do both…clean my house AND exercise! I didn’t know how but this is what unfolded… I put out my exercise mat and every time I walked past it I did 10 push ups. I hopped on the exercise bike while watching tv and in the ad breaks I would run around and clean making sure I kept my heart rate high. I then hopped on the treadmill of 15 mins (this is all the time my girls would stay happy for!) and then hopped off and danced like a crazy woman to a few songs with the girls…the girls thought I was hilarious! I am sure I looked it too! So 1 hour 20 mins later I had a clean house, happy kids and I had done my workout burning over 600 calories! Yay! Win Win Win!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Gearing up for the weekend!

I feel like my mind is finally in the right place. I now KNOW I can do this now where as last week I didn’t believe in myself. It all felt too hard and because of that I allowed myself to slip up all too often. I have not been perfect this week, I don’t think it is possible for me to be, especially with the kids around and the chaos that can bring. But I have been better, I have owned the mistakes and not let them get me down.

One thing I have learnt this week is that organisation in one area quickly spreads to other areas too. I finally got my head around the food and exercise and now the house is looking tidier and I am actually doing more with the kids as I am motivated! I am very proud that the last 3 days I have burnt well over 500 calories in each work out. I know this is the recommendation anyway but even in the last round I hardly ever burnt that much. As a shorter woman who is almost at goal it takes a lot of effort to get to the 500 calories but I now want to put in the effort. I am not afraid of falling anymore as I know I can just get back up and keep on going…it doesn’t matter how many times I fall along the way as long as I get back up each time and keep on going

Tomorrow is going to be a hard one. We have the school fair followed by a child's birthday party! I will have to take my own lunch with me and allow myself a latte at a time when the temptation to eat is there! Sunday is work and as long as I make my lunch that will be pretty easy. I must remember to get all the ingredients together for my husband to cook dinner though…if it is all organised he will make a 12WBT recipe…I do love my husband, he is pretty wonderful!

Ricotta Cheesecakes

These yummy little cheesecakes are only 65 calories each! I topped each one with a strawberry which is not included in the calorie count but strawberries are pretty low in calories so it wouldn’t have added much extra at all.

I found this recipe on the 12WBT Facebook page and thought I would give it a try. They are a perfect snack for when you want something sweet.



250g low fat ricotta

1 sachet of low joule jelly (I used lime but would love to use strawberry next time!)

1/2 cup boiling water


Dissolve jelly crystals in boiling water and mix with ricotta until smooth.

Line 5 holes of a muffin tin with muffin cases

Divide mixture between cases and refrigerate until firm

Serve with strawberries or your choice of fruit


Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 2

It is good to start a new week. last week was far from perfect and I am realising more every day how far I actually have to go before I am where I want to be.

I may have lost 12kg doing WW but mentally I am still the person who allowed myself to gain that weight in the first place. That is the main area that needs to change…my mind.

I am more organised this week and it is spilling over into other areas of my life like housework and my general planning for the week. I know that if I am not totally organised in all areas that I am just setting myself up for failure as I don’t have enough time to waste any of it! My diary and calendar are being well used and the grocery shopping was done this morning so I am all ready for the week…BRING IT ON!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fitness Test Results

I finally did the fitness test and just before the deadline! It is just too hard for me to get this done during the week so it had to wait until today. I REALLY wasn’t looking forward to the run or the wall sit as I know how much they hurt! But it is all done now and I am pleased with my results. I am really looking forward to seeing how much I can improve on this.


1 km time trial – 4 min 45 sec (advanced)

Push Ups in 1 min – 27 (intermediate)

Wall Sit – 1 min 4 sec (intermediate)

Ab Stage – 2 (beginner)

Sit and Reach - +4cm (intermediate)


Now to do those dreaded before photos!