Sunday, May 29, 2011

Fitness Test Results

Today I finally did the run part of the fitness test. I couldn’t believe how nervous I was as I did my power walk around the cul-de-sac to warm up. It was silly really but I really wanted to be able to run the whole way and I wanted to get into the intermediate group(5min 30sec – 8min). We measured out 1km in the car using the odometer (I do hope it was accurate enough!) and my husband and kids dropped me at one end and off I went.

The result? 1km in 4min 54sec! That puts me into ADVANCED by 36 seconds! I am still shocked! I just kept on running…just to the next letterbox, just to the next power pole, just to that car…and before I knew it I could see my husband and girls cheering me on at the finish!

The rest of the fitness test is not so exciting but I should share anyway.

Pushups – 22 (Intermediate)

Wall Sit – 1min 5 sec (intermediate)

Sit Ups – level 1 (beginner)

Sit and Reach - +2cm (intermediate)


So for this month I think I will do the Intermediate exercise plan but will try the advanced running program and see how I go.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that is so great Meika! I am really inspired by your efforts. Now I want to test my fitness and improve!!! It's so encouraging to see some else stop 'putting it off' and actually just get stuck in!
