Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Personal Trainer

She definitely makes me work hard! She runs behind me yelling “GO FASTER”, she doesn’t let me slow down or give up, she asks me “how many calowies” I have burnt…and she is 4! Elsa is loving all the training I have been doing and takes great pleasure in yelling at me from the comfort of the pram “Run faster mummy FASTER!”


I love that my girls are seeing me do this and enjoy running along side me (or sitting in the pram!). I feel great that I am making everyday exercise normal and they love it too.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Super Strong Soup!

In our house broccoli is often eaten by the littlest family members as it “makes you grow big and strong like daddy” but it is not a favourite.

Today we made broccoli soup. I had 3 little helpers so it became quite an event but we got it made and the girls have renamed it “Super Strong Soup”. The best part? Between the 3 of them they ate 6 bowls for lunch…6 bowls of broccoli!






Fitness Test Results

Today I finally did the run part of the fitness test. I couldn’t believe how nervous I was as I did my power walk around the cul-de-sac to warm up. It was silly really but I really wanted to be able to run the whole way and I wanted to get into the intermediate group(5min 30sec – 8min). We measured out 1km in the car using the odometer (I do hope it was accurate enough!) and my husband and kids dropped me at one end and off I went.

The result? 1km in 4min 54sec! That puts me into ADVANCED by 36 seconds! I am still shocked! I just kept on running…just to the next letterbox, just to the next power pole, just to that car…and before I knew it I could see my husband and girls cheering me on at the finish!

The rest of the fitness test is not so exciting but I should share anyway.

Pushups – 22 (Intermediate)

Wall Sit – 1min 5 sec (intermediate)

Sit Ups – level 1 (beginner)

Sit and Reach - +2cm (intermediate)


So for this month I think I will do the Intermediate exercise plan but will try the advanced running program and see how I go.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Week 1 Weigh In

1.4kg down! Yay! That is about half of what I gained in the last few months…good to get it back off!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I picked at the girls leftovers tonight…next time I will just throw them out!

Sore Knee

Sigh…my knee is sore, I couldn’t do my workout DVD properly today. I originally hurt my knee when I was 14 and it has never been the same. It left like it was going to go out from under my today which is not a very nice feeling. I might need a trip to the Dr but in the meantime I will pick up a knee brace, they used to help when I was dancing so hopefully they will do the job now. It is SO frustrating when I am really enjoying my workouts and just want to get into them and I can’t! I probably need to look into exercises I can do to strengthen the knee so I don’t have to put up with this forever. At one stage, like 10 years ago, my gym instructor set me up with some exercises for my knee but I didn’t stick to it…now I really wish I had.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Just a few from today’s playlist…

The Power – Vanessa Amorosi

I will survive – Gloria Gaynor

Fighter – Christina Aguilera

Break my stride – Unique II

Absolutely Everybody – Vanessa Amorosi (I used to dance to this one and it made me want to jump off the treadmill and dance! I am sure my lovely friends Beck, Danielle, Felicity and Lize would understand!)


If you don’t know where you are going how can you work out how to get there?

1 month

  • Run 3km without stopping
  • Loose 2kg (the two I have gained over the last 2 months!)

3 months – I turn 30! What a way to see i my 30’s!

  • Run 10km without stopping
  • Do 10 push-ups on my toes
  • Loose 5kg
  • Look FAB for my 30th!

Source: None via Meika on Pinterest

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Beginning…

Here I am, at the beginning, feeling a little scared of failure, excited to see myself succeed and fighting with myself as I think of more excuses. I am glad to realise that what has been standing in my way is me as I know I have control over that but I now know that I have NO ONE to blame but myself…and that scares me a little!

So here I go! Wish me luck!

A change of plans…

Well it looks like the gym won’t be happening. It is just not a good idea for us financially to be adding this cost at the moment. I won’t go into it all but this is the way it has to be for the moment. SO I will be doing it all at home and outside. I am pretty lucky to have an exercise bike and treadmill at home as well as a stack of workout DVD's so I really have no excuse. I am still motivated and excited for tomorrow but I will admit I had a 10 minute freak out when I realised I had to change all my plans!

Tomorrows workout – Michelle Bridges Super Shredder Circuit and a short walk before picking up Elsa from school.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Gym Crèche…

So do any of you use the crèche at your local gym? I tried to join a gym a few months ago and Eve (who was 12 months at the time) was going through terrible separation anxiety. I mean at home I couldn’t walk to the other side of the room without tears! So needless to say the gym crèche didn’t work out and I didn’t end up joining as it would have just been a waste as I couldn’t leave the littlest in the crèche.

But now the separation anxiety seems to be over so we are trying again! Next week after dropping my eldest at school I will head to the gym and hopefully it will all go perfectly…that is the plan anyway!


My three ratbags!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

{Excuse of the day #1}

“I haven’t officially started so I don’t need to do a proper workout today”


The new me starts TODAY! It is not just for 12 weeks…this is for life!

What this is all about

This is all about me finally getting off my butt and exercising! I want to loose those last few kilos and tone up. Really I am pretty happy with my weight but I am still a little squishy around the edges if you know what I mean! With 12kg lost over the last 6 months I know that healthy eating is something I can do, In fact I find it pretty easy. I thank my mum for filling me up with healthy foods growing up as these foods are normal to me…and delicious too! I do need a reminder to keep my portions in check..oh and the chocolate (mmm chocolate!) …my downfall :( I think it may need to stay out of my house for the next 12 weeks!

So how am I going to do this? I am doing Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation! I am going from no exercise (except for running around after my kids and the occasional 15 minute guilt run on the treadmill after overindulging!) to exercise 6 days a week! It will be tough but I can do it!

Why Mum Fit? Well I chose this name for my blog as it addresses my excuse for NOT exercising! I use it all the time. “ I have 3 little ones, I can’t find the time” “ My kids didn’t sleep well last night and I am too tired” “I have had 3 kids, I can’t expect my body to be the same as before” (ok this is true to some extent but in getting back to my wedding weight I know it is not all true!)

I am hoping that I can inspire some other mums out there to do this for themselves and their kids. I hope to share how I overcome all the hurdles that life with kids throws at you everyday and some healthy recipes that kids will eat too. I am sure there will be dramas…there always are…but with some determination and a good sense of humour I WILL DO IT!